Cinque Terre Italy

The climate of the Cinque Terre is mild and sunny with small temperature variations favoured by the mountains that shelter from the northern winds. The Mediterranean Sea mitigates the winter season with an average temperature of 12 degrees.

Weather in Cinque Terre Italy, stormy weather in RiomaggioreIn summer, the average temperature reaches 30 degrees. The climate is mild and warm, rains are generally of brief duration, but frequent in autumn and spring. Best time to visit this part of Italy is from mid March to end of October.

In this page you will find the current weather situation in Italy with the weather forecast for the Cinque Terre villages.

Average temperatures and rainfall Cinque Terre and Cinque Terre Sea weather forecast.

For live weather situation visit Cinque Terre live webcams.

Cinque Terre weather situation and temperature


Weather satellite situation in Europe - clouds, infrared and lightnings

(Italy Weather for Italy weather situation and forecast)

Europe day view

Weather situation in Italy (Satellite day-view)

Europe infrared view

Weather situation in Europe (Satellite Infrared view)

Weather satellite situation in Italy

North Italy day view

Weather situation in Italy (day-view satellite)

North Italy infrared view

Weather situation in Italy (Infrared view satellite)

Rain Weather situation Italy Europe

Rainfalls situation in Europe Italy

Weather forecast for Monterosso, Cinque Terre

Download the Monterosso Weather forecast in pdf format.

Weather forecast for Vernazza, Cinque Terre

Download the Vernazza Weather forecast in pdf format.

Weather forecast for Corniglia, Cinque Terre

Download the Corniglia Weather forecast in pdf format.

Weather forecast for Manarola, Cinque Terre

Download the Manarola Weather forecast in pdf format.

Weather forecast for Riomaggiore, Cinque Terre

Download the Riomaggiore Weather forecast in pdf format.

Weather forecast near Cinque Terre

Weather forecast for La Spezia

Weather forecast for Levanto